Here at Fervent House Publication & Production Co. in Longview, Texas, we find it more exciting to share our gifts with those that have the same passion for publishing and production work. That's why we offer a membership program that is open to interested individuals all over the US.
As a Fervent Vision member, you will have the opportunity to be a part of a great vision, which involves many gifts from God to share with our Fervent Family. We have a wide array of products and services to offer our members, from print design services to film productions.
It is our desire to put an end to homelessness as we work smart and labor through Christ to achieve this great mission. With your help as a Fervent Vision member, our desire to improve people’s lives worldwide will be carried out on a daily basis.
Become a Member
Membership Helps Support Fervent House Vision & Mission!
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Member Benefits
Your decision to become a Fervent Vision member opens up numerous opportunities for involvement with the many events that come with the productions of Fervent House Publication & Production Co. All these aim to bring an abundance of spiritual growth, restoration, and healing to life with the numerous gifts God has given.
Fervent Vision’s commitment to be the eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and feet for Jesus is the core of our membership. Whether it’s print and design or production assistance, we will spread the Gospel of Jesus through our company. We are dedicated to serve!
Fervent Vision’s desire to walk in obedience is our key essential. “For by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous” (Romans 5:19 KJV). As the Fervent Family, we have made it our objective to obey Christ in everything we do.
Membership with Fervent House Publication & Production Co. entails understanding and working toward achieving the vision of God. As a Fervent Vision member, you will have the opportunity to volunteer support when needed, join the production should we need extras for scenes in Fervent Films, Broadcast Your Ministry, Broadcast Your Fervent Legacy Campaign, Grad Mag and more. We value you as a member and welcome you to the Fervent Family, where we appreciate your efforts to join the great mission of God
We hope that each Fervent Vision member will become lifetime members. However, we understand that life is unpredictable. Should any of our members choose to cancel their membership, they are free to do so at any time, with the understanding that all membership levels are nonrefundable.
Become a member today with no obligations as a monthly Fervent Vision Support Member. Aspiring members are able to choose the level of support as a monthly vision member or become a Legacy of Love Vision Member, where you will help build the Legacy Jesus left the whole world. Thank you for choosing to support the vision of God, through Fervent House Publication & Production Co. & Fervent Broadcasting Network.